weekly roundup 02.

Hello everyone, long time no chat! I took last week off from blogging to focus on being present with my roommates as we celebrated two big Jewish holidays and a birthday! We had so many fun adventures I can't wait to share in posts this week, but for now, let's get into a quick lil' recap of what I've been into lately.

 The past week, here's what I was


My Octopus Teacher. I still have about 20 minutes left of this doc but my roommates and I started it this weekend and I've already come close to shedding a few tears so many times. It's a beautiful story about nature and our connection to it, especially the ocean. I've been looking for my ocean fix ever since lockdown began and this definitely did the trick; I'm also more amped than ever to get scuba certified once life starts to open back up. Also, octopi are so unbelievably cool I seriously need to meet one in the near future. 


The soup pictured above and below is the result of today's lunchtime adventure! Last week, you may have seen on my Instagram story that I made homemade veggie broth from my leftover vegetable scraps. It's so easy and makes me feel so much better about the waste I'm generating because I know (aside from composting), I'm using as much of vegetable I can! Anyway, I've looking for a good recipe to make with the final product all week, but today I decided to screw it and experiment on my own without a recipe guide and I'm so glad I did. 

To make the soup, I sauteed some red onion, celery, carrots, and potatoes and then topped with my veggie broth and turmeric, ginger, cumin, Himalayan salt, pepper, oregano, rosemary, and thyme. I let that combo boil for ~10 mins and then added some quinoa pasta! Once the pasta was cooked I brought the pot to a simmer and let it sit for another 5 mins. It was my first time making soup from scratch so once I make some tweaks and get the proportions down (I usually just cook/flavor to taste oops) I can create a full recipe post to share here!


This week I'm still chugging through Sandra Day O'Connor's biography, First, as well as began Sea Wife by Amity Gage. O'Connor's biography, while interesting, isn't the best book for distracting me from the tediousness of lockdown so I needed to add a fiction companion. So far I'm really liking Sea Wife, but I'll post about it more once I'm done! The reviews on Goodreads vary quite a bit so I'm excited to see how I feel about it after I've finished. 

listening to...

Like almost everyone in the world, I'm listening to 21 Savage and Metro Boomin's new album, Savage Mode II that dropped a few days ago (and may or may not be listening as I write this post). So far, my favorites are Runnin, Rich N*** Shit,  and Brand New Draco.

writing about...

I took the week off last week so I don't have any posts to highlight! As I said above, Monday and Friday were both big Jewish holidays so I elected to take the week off. It was actually pretty nice to take a break from social media. I posted here and there but I enjoyed letting Instagram take a backseat for a few days...maybe it'll become a regular thing! 

grateful for...

Getting outside! This past Saturday my roommates, a few friends from my program, and I spent the day in a park nearby tanning, kicking around a soccer ball, practicing handstands, and cartwheels just goofing around. It was so refreshing to play around like kids and appreciate the sun. By the end of the day, my roommates and I had all decided we needed our own soccer ball and frisbee asap. 

doing for the planet...

This week my vegetable broth took the prize as my biggest environmental good deed. It felt so good to use my leftover scraps and turn them into something delicious! Here's the link I followed to make mine but you really don't need much guidance. Super easy and makes the planet happy! Extra props if you have access to a place to compost the leftover veggie pieces, that's next on my list of kitchen aspirations!

xx, lindz

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The Life with Lindz