weekend roundup 01.

 Hello and Happy Monday everyone! Some of my favorite posts to read on other people's blogs are their weekly round-up posts about what they've been up to throughout the week, but they always seem to be shared on Fridays. As one of the hottest takes I'll ever offer, I'll admit here and now that I love Mondays, in reality, more than Fridays. There's something about a fresh start and knowing I have the whole week ahead of me that makes me excited to wake up and get my day going! So instead of sharing my weekly interests on Fridays, I thought I'd be so bold as to share them on Monday. So without further adieu, let's get this week going with my first weekend roundup!

The past weekend, here's what I was


If you follow me on Instagram (which you totally should), you'd know that this one is a bit of a cheat because I watched it this morning! But...it was too interesting not to share. As what will hopefully be the first of many documentary viewings this lockdown, I watched the much-discussed documentary, The Social Dilemma on Netflix this morning! Overall, I thought it was incredibly well done and offered a lot of valuable new insights from people who actually know the inner workings of Silicon Valley. My only criticism is the length, mostly because I was more interested in the last 10 minutes, where interviewees offer their advice on how to actually fix the problem posed by excessive data collection, than in the first hour and twenty minutes. Otherwise, it was a super cool documentary that exposed many of the ethical dilemmas we face as we engage with technology and social media and the information they share is posed in a very accessible way. 


Before the lockdown went into effect, I had a chance to venture out and explore my new home of Rishon Lezion! On Friday morning, my roommates and I had a hankering for brunch so we decided to try a place that's actually known more for its late night bar scene, called Bernard. Their menu is unreal, they have incredible options for both meat-eaters and vegans alike and the ambiance was so fun and happy. I already knew I'd be coming back before I left which to me is the sign of top-notch eatsss. You can see the vegan chickpea omelette I ordered on my Instagram!


Right now I'm reading a book that's been on my list for almost a year called, The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls. Seeing as I haven't actually finished it yet, I don't feel qualified to offer a full opinion. However, I will say that from what I have read so far, I love Gray's writing style and her portrayal of multidimensional characters. In my humble opinion, one sign of a good book is the author's ability to make me hate the same characters I'm rooting for because it's the truest representation of humanity. None of her characters exist as either good or bad, together or a mess, and it's that complexity that keeps drawing me back in!

listening to...

To pass the time in lockdown I started coloring while listening to a podcast and discovered it's LIFE. CHANGING. If you're someone like me who used to reject podcasts because I had nothing to do with my hands and coloring because I needed a second form of stimulation, have no fear because I've finally cracked the code. Coloring and podcasts are the perfect compliments to one another, and I actually had a chance to explore a few of the different podcasts I'd saved this past week. Most of my weekend was dedicated to The Lonely Palette, an amazing art history podcast that breaks down a specific piece of art into mini bite sized chunks with each episode running less than 20 minutes each. They're going to be perfect for my commute to work once I can actually go more than 500 meters from my apartment but for now, I'll settle for learning about Cubism from my dining room table. 

writing about...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death was a heavy shadow over this past weekend, especially in contrast with the bright shininess that usually accompanies the new year in Judaism. In an effort to work through my feelings about her life and her legacy, I wrote about what she meant to me in this post linked here. Feel free to check it out if you missed it. ❤️

grateful for...

This weekend I am grateful for my ability to move! I've been finding a lot of strength in yoga, particularly with Anthony Chaves' corepower C2 classes on youtube and am unbelievably grateful I have the time and space to connect with myself and sweat it out each day. Given how much we all tend to complain or procrastinate movement (going to the gym, walking up a flight of stairs, sweating in the heat, etc.) I think it's easy to take our bodies for granted. Not everyone has the luxury of movement so I'm feeling pretty grateful for mine! 

doing for the planet...

This one is tricky because I know I've allowed my environmentalism to take a backseat recently as a response to covid. Between my paper masks and my increased restaurant take-out consumption, there is definitely some room for improvement. However, I have been trying my best to bring my own bag to go shopping because Israel has some odd fascination with plastic bags...they're everywhere. Today I was proud because the guy at the produce stand under my apartment recognized I didn't want to use any plastic bags and he helped me load up my own tote! 

So that's it, a full rundown of what I've been up to this weekend! Happy Monday y'all! 

xx, lindz

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The Life with Lindz