lockdown discovery 1: the plant store

 Hello and happy Wednesday everyone! Today has been largely uneventful; honestly, the days of lockdown are all starting to blend together into a giant blob of time. As much as I may have craved endless downtime in the past, in reality, it's less than ideal. I've learned that mentally, I do much better when I have a reason to wake up in the morning other than the mere presence of sunshine; and I don't think I'm alone in this mindset. 

While I'm confident someone far more educated than me in the field of sociology and human behavior could offer an explanation as to why humans do better with extrinsic pressures and motivations, all I can say is that I seem to do much better when I know someone else is counting on my ability to get out of bed. The moral of the story is that I'm looking for any excuse I can find to get out of the house aside from aimless walks around the neighborhood. So when one of my roommates asked me if I wanted to go to a plant store about 10 minutes away I said: "hell yes let me just finish my coffee" and off we went! 

If you couldn't gather for yourself given the plethora of photos I've included below, this place was freakin adorable. There was an incredible variety of greenery on every table and as a newbie to the plant world, I was pretty stoked to have so many options! We're actually planning to go back tomorrow because my newfound plant addiction has not been fully fueled. I left today with just a little succulent garden but I think tomorrow I'll try to step it up with a few leafier plants to bring some more life into my room. 

My new city of residence, Rishon Lezion, is full of hidden treasures like this; no matter where I go I seem to discover someplace new! Even last night, my roommates and I went for a walk after dinner and found a huge Russian food market that stays open late and is just a 5-minute walk from our apartment. It's constant discoveries like these that make living in Israel so fun, even in a lockdown!

Here's to more adventures around the neighborhood!

xx, lindz

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The Life with Lindz